German Transportation Apps
[This is a side-project]
We found the following vulnerabilities in different German Transportation Apps. They all contained similar vulnerabilities, maybe due to the fact that they were implemented by the same app developer company:
We found the following vulnerabilities in different German Transportation Apps. They all contained similar vulnerabilities, maybe due to the fact that they were implemented by the same app developer company:
- SIK-2017-006 Essen Mobil App Backend Manpulation Vulnerability
- SIK-2017-007 Essen Mobil Insecure Database Replication
- SIK-2017-008 Mutti (Bogestra) App Insecure Database Replication
- SIK-2017-009 Mutti (Bogestra) App Backend Manpulation Vulnerability
- SIK-2017-010 Fahrtwind (Westfälische Verkehrsgesellschaft) App Insecure Database Replication
- SIK-2017-011 Fahrtwind (Westfälische Verkehrsgesellschaft) App Backend Manpulation Vulnerability
All vulnerabilities are fixed by the vendor.